Introduction to ASP.Net MVC

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software architecture pattern. Originally formulated in the late 1970s by Trygve Reenskaug as part of the Smalltalk, MVC architecture works on code reusability and separation of concerns. It was originally developed for desktop Then adapted for internet applications.

The Model is the application object, the View is UI presentation, and the Controller defines the way the user reacts to user input from UI.
- Set of classes that describe the data we are working with
- Rules for how the data can be changed and manipulated
- May contain data validation rules
- Often encapsulate data stored in a database as well as the code used to manipulate the data
Most likely a Data Access Layer of some kind

- Defines how the application’s user interface (UI) will be displayed
- Support master views (layouts) 
- Support sub-views (partial views or controls)
- Web: Template to dynamically generate HTML

- The core MVC component – holds the logic
- Process the requests with the help of views and models
- A set of classes that handles communication from the user
- Overall application flow
- Application-specific logic
- Every controller has one or more "actions"

Technologies that ASP.NET MVC uses
- C# (OOP, unit testing, async, etc.)
- HTML(5) and CSS
- JavaScript (jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, etc.)
- AJAX, Single-page apps
- Databases (Microsoft SQL Server)
- ORM (Entity Framework and LINQ)
- Web and HTTP

Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a software architecture pattern. ASP.NET MVC is a great platform for developing Internet applications. Visual Studio is the main development tool for creating ASP.NET MVC applications, almost everything in ASP.NET MVC is a package


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