Auto Sequence Number in Grid Control with Paging

we are going to see how to generate sequence number (row number) in DataGrid.
To generate sequence number, we will use the DataGridItem’s ItemIndex property. 

But For example if we are  going to second page with Pagesize 3, then sequence
number  should start from 4. Code snippet for implementing this method is... 

<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" PagerStyle-Mode="NumericPages"   
PageSize="10" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True">
           <asp:templatecolumn headertext="Row Number">       
                        <%# (DataGrid1.PageSize*DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex)+ Container.ItemIndex+1%>
            <asp:boundcolumn   runat="server" DataField="CompanyName" HeaderText="Company Name">                    
            <asp:boundcolumn runat="server" DataField="Address" HeaderText="Address">           

Sample code as such is very simple, we will create one extra template column in
our DataGrid and bind to it the value of Container.ItemIndex. The itemindex 
property is zero based so we will add one to it to start from one.

The code is very simple, instead of only using container.itemindex to get the 
sequence number. You need to use Pagesize and currentpageindex to find out the 
starting number of that page and then add container.itemindex to that. 
So we have sequence number in DataGrid. DataGrid will look like this,

Number   Name         Address
  1      Ashvin       Bombay
  2      Kamlesh S    Delhi
  3      Hiren        Pune
Paging : 1 2 3 4 5

Note: you can also get this result from SQL Query, follow this query to get auto number column in Result.

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Associate DESC) AS 'Number',
from dbo.Contact 

Result for this Query 

Number   Name         Address
  1      Ashvin       Bombay
  2      Kamlesh S    Delhi
  3      Hiren        Pune


Kamal said…
Thanks your post is very helpful

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