Abstract Class and An Interface

Abstract Class :

The class which cannot be instantiated is known as an Abstract Class. So an object of it cannot be created. Hence it must be inherited.
  1. Can't be instantiated.
  2. Must be inherited.
  3. It may have Concrete Methods & Abstract Methods.
  4. An Abstract Class can have only Abstract Method.
  5. An Abstract Method must be overridden.
    public abstract class AbstractA
        public abstract string AbstractProperty { get; set; }
        public abstract void AbstractFunction1();
        public virtual void AbstractFunction2()
            Console.WriteLine("AbstractA : AbstractFunction2()");
        public void AbstractFunction3()
            Console.WriteLine("AbstractA : AbstractFunction3()");
        public void AbstractFunction4()
            Console.WriteLine("AbstractA : AbstractFunction4()");

    public class ClassA : AbstractA
        private string classProperty;
        public override string AbstractProperty
                return classProperty;
                classProperty = value;

        public override void AbstractFunction1()
            Console.WriteLine("ClassA : AbstractFunction1()");
        public override void AbstractFunction2()
            Console.WriteLine("ClassA : AbstractFunction2()");
        public new void AbstractFunction3()
            Console.WriteLine("ClassA : AbstractFunction3()");
    ClassA classA = new ClassA();

    classA.AbstractProperty = "AbstractProperty_New Value";


    ClassA : AbstractFunction1()
    ClassA : AbstractFunction2()
    ClassA : AbstractFunction3()
    AbstractA : AbstractFunction4()
    AbstractProperty_New Value

An Interface :

Interface can only contain abstract methods, properties but we don’t need to put abstract and public keyword. All the methods and properties defined in Interface are by default public and abstract.

  1. Have definition of a method not implementation. (implement through class)
  2. Multiple inheritance possible through Interface only
  3. Only Public Access modifier only allowed. Default is Public
  4. No need of virtual overridden.
  5. It’s used for to define a set of properties, methods and events.
     public interface InterfaceA
        string InterfaceProperty { get; set; }

        void InterfaceFunction1();
        void InterfaceFunction2();

    public class ClassB : InterfaceA
        private string classProperty;
        public string InterfaceProperty
                return classProperty;
                classProperty = value;
        public void InterfaceFunction1()
            Console.WriteLine("ClassB : InterfaceFunction1()");
        public void InterfaceFunction2()
            Console.WriteLine("ClassB : InterfaceFunction2()");

    ClassB classB = new ClassB();
    classB.InterfaceProperty = "InterfaceProperty_New Value";

    ClassB : InterfaceFunction1()
    ClassB : InterfaceFunction2()
    InterfaceProperty_New Value


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